I am very familiar with the UniverSoul and the Ringling Brothers Circuses, in fact I go yearly. Well, this year I went to Cirque du Soleil to see Kurious. When the clock struck 11:11, all type’s magical things began. It was similar to the traditional circus but more like a live musical. There was a live band and a singer that song throughout the show. I had front row seats which made it even more spectacular because I got to touch and see the performers up close.
The show was hosted by a mad scientist, a man with a giant brain, a dancing lady, two boys who resembled tweedledee and tweedledum from Alice in Wonderland and a man that reminded me of a clown. He didn’t talk; he made sound effect and gestures. He was hilarious especially the scene when he pull a lady out the audience and acted like a cat and a bird. I was blown away by the Asian acrobats. Their costumes were spectacular. It was a mixture between an octopus and some other type of sea creature. Some of their moves were unbelievable. Kurious had many wow moments. The performer dressed like a delivery lady on a bike was one of those moments. She did all sorts of things on her bike including riding it upside down. I recently learn to ride a bike but nothing like this.
Some other really cool moments were when the scientist was having a dinner party and the Chandelier flew away. He stacked the chairs on top of the table high into the sky, then stood on them trying to reach Chandelier. Now this is the cool part, there were people who looked just like the people at the dinner party but they were upside down on the ceiling (you had to be there). There was also a tiny little lady who lived inside this man’s fat stomach. Pretty weird huh?
I think that you and your family should go! There are a lot more shows. Not just in Atlanta but all over the country. Some can be inappropriate for kids, so you should go to this one first!
For information about Cirque Du Soleil and this show visit www.cirquedusoleil.com/kurios
I’m out… and About!